Where to Buy Cryptocurrency and How to Choose

You’ve heard about people essentially becoming multi-millionaires through cryptocurrencies when the Bitcoin’s value skyrocketed back in 2017. But what exactly is it? Should you be interested in it or not?

Well, a cryptocurrency is, to put it simply, a form of virtual money. It’s very likely to become a completely natural aspect of the exchange process.

It’s becoming increasingly popular, and the more popular it gets – the more people will begin to use it. This means its value is just going to keep on rising. Many people are predicting that it will become a completely standard way of exchanging goods and services. This is why you should definitely be interested in buying some now or at least familiarize yourself with it for future reference.

In this article, we bring you the list of some of the best platforms for buying cryptocurrency and some useful tips on what you should look for when choosing between these platforms.


Source: coindesk.com

We can’t go through this list without mentioning Coinbase. It’s currently the most popular cryptocurrency platform on the market.

It’s great for beginners as it offers not only the exchange feature but also the wallet option. Opening your electronic wallet is the first step you must take when getting into the world of cryptocurrency. They do charge a fee for different transactions, so you should always keep this in mind.

All in all, Coinbase is reliable, safe, and secure. It’s most popular as a Bitcoin exchange platform, but they offer other cryptocurrencies as well. It also offers insurance on your cash balance that goes up to 250 000 USD. It is a huge plus since this way, you will have fewer worries about potential hacker threats.


Source: bitcoinnoobs.com

The best part about this cryptocurrency platform is that it’s completely free of any fees! It’s great for people who like managing their finances on their smartphones since it offers a handy, intuitive app. If you prefer working on a desktop, don’t worry, it offers this option too. It supports bitcoin, there, dogecoin, and many more.

The only downside is that their services are no longer available in every state. So make sure to check if your state is supported or not.

It’s super secure, and the app has an intuitive interface that will help you manage your crypto transactions with ease.


Source: pexels.com

With Mercuryo you can easily and quickly transfer cryptocurrencies all around the world, for very small fees.

It has a handy option of exchanging crypto into standard currencies like EUR and USD. It also provides the option of creating your crypto wallet on the platform. It’s fast, reliable, and secure. Mercuryo was founded in 2018 so it’s still considered a relatively new platform, and because of that, it may lack some of the features that older platforms provide.

However, it offers a beautifully designed app that is extremely easy to navigate. You can keep good track of your transfers and easily manage everything related to your digital wallet. Overall, it’s a great platform for both beginners and more experienced users.


Source: pexels.com

Bynarix is probably one of the most reliable platforms for trading, purchasing, and exchanging cryptocurrencies. It’s super secure and has great exchange rates. It also offers amazing lessons on cryptocurrency and trading that can help you learn a lot before you decide to invest in cryptocurrency.

If you want to eventually start selling or trading, you should definitely buy bitcoin on Binaryx. It’s fast and secure, and it’s soon going to get an app version as well!

You have the option of joining a community of crypto traders which helps you learn and gain more skills and knowledge. They support bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, bitcoin cash, tether, and ripple, but are soon about to broaden their choice of cryptocurrencies even further.

It’s great if you’re just starting to get into the world of cryptocurrencies, as it has tons of different ways to learn and improve your understanding of how everything works.


Source: cointelegraph.com

Coinmama is both a wallet and a place to buy bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies. It doesn’t offer a very broad choice when it comes to cryptocurrencies it supports, so keep that in mind.

You can use EUR or USD for purchasing on this platform. It’s very reliable and secure, but it does charge some higher fees than others on this list. It has a very great website that is also extremely easy to use. It doesn’t have an app, but the website is mobile-friendly so that shouldn’t worry you too much.

It has more than 180 million users as of now, and its popularity is on the rise. It’s recognized as a legitimate and reliable service, and it is certain to protect both your wallet and data.


Source: blog.drhack.net

LocalBitcoins specialty is, you guessed it, bitcoin transactions. It does function a bit differently from the other platforms listed in this article. Users are able to post ads with their bitcoin offers, other users click on those and a transaction takes place. It has escrow protection and a system that is generally very protective of its users.

This type of trading is incredibly quick, as it allows you to trade with other users directly and safely. Still, it’s a bit riskier than other platforms, and you could end up getting scammed if you’re not careful. Always make use of the security measures, and be sure to follow any security guidelines the site provides.

All in all, it’s a pretty good platform, although it may not be perfect for beginners. You will need some experience to evade and recognize shady and unsafe transactions.

How to choose?

Source: pexels.com

The most important thing to check when choosing a platform for crypto transactions is how secure it is. Read about the platform’s privacy and protection guidelines and policies, and don’t be afraid to seek advice from more experienced buyers and traders.

Your choice also depends on which cryptocurrency you prefer, as some platforms may not support all of them. Our advice is to start with bitcoin, as it’s the most used currency available, and also most likely to rise in value.

Another thing to check is the legality and legitimacy of the company in question. You need to be sure it’s supported where you live.

Whichever you choose, always try to do research and educate yourself before purchasing.