How Far in Advance Should You Start Packing for a Move?

Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming process. From packing up your belongings to figuring out the logistics of moving them all to your new home, it can be difficult to stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed. One thing that can help you tackle the move with ease is starting to pack far in advance.

When it comes to packing, the earlier you start, the better. While it may require some planning and extra effort on your part, doing it early will undoubtedly make things easier on you and reduce stress during the hectic weeks leading up to your move.

When it comes to packing for a move, efficiency is key. The more efficient you are, the less time and effort you’ll spend on it – and the less stressful the process will be. Here are some tips for doing it efficiently:

  1. Start with a plan. Before you start, take a few moments to plan out your approach. Decide what items you need to pack first, and which can be packed closer to the move date. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute scrambling.
  2. Gather all of your supplies in one place. Once you have a plan, gather all of the supplies you’ll need – boxes, tape, bubble wrap, etc. – in one place so you don’t have to go hunting for them later on.
  3. Pack room by room. This will help keep things organized and prevent overwhelm.
  4. Don’t overthink it. It doesn’t have to be complicated or perfect – just get everything into boxes and label them clearly so you know where everything is when it comes time to unpack again.
  5. Use soft items to fill in gaps. When packing boxes, use soft items such as clothing, towels, and linens to fill in any gaps and keep your items safe during transit.
  6. Make sure everything is secure. Make sure all of your boxes are taped securely and that there are no loose items that could get damaged or lost during the move.

How Can You Make the Packing Process Less Stressful?


This can be a daunting and stressful process, especially if you’re unsure of where to start or what to do. However, there are a few ways you can make the packing process less stressful, such as:

  1. Create a packing plan: Before you start, it can be helpful to create a plan. This could involve making a list of all the items you need to pack, categorizing them by room, and then creating a schedule. This will help you stay organized and on track throughout the process.
  2. Start early: Don’t wait until the last minute to start packing! This will only add to your stress levels. Start as soon as you know you’re going to be moving, even if it’s just a few items at a time.
  3. Purge your belongings: One way to make it less stressful is to get rid of any unwanted or unneeded items before you start. Have a yard sale, donate items to charity, or throw away anything that you don’t want to take with you. This will lighten your load and make packing much easier.
  4. Enlist help: This can be overwhelming, so don’t try to do it all yourself! Ask family and friends to help you out, or hire professional movers who can handle the packing for you.

How Far in Advance Should You Start Packing for a Move?


The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as the size of your home, the amount of stuff you have, and how much time you have before your move. If you’re moving across the country, for example, you’ll want to start sooner than if you’re just moving across town.

In general, it’s a good idea to start packing at least a few weeks in advance of your move. This will give you time to sort through your belongings, decide what to keep and what to get rid of, and gradually pack up your things so you’re not trying to do it all at the last minute.

If you’re short on time or just don’t want to deal with the hassle of packing yourself, there are professional services that can do it for you. These companies will come in and pack up your entire home quickly and efficiently, so you can relax and focus on other aspects of your move.

Tips for Packing for a Move


Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Make a list of everything that you need to pack. This will help you stay organized and avoid forgetting anything.
  2. Sort your belongings into categories. This will make packing and unpacking easier and faster.
  3. Pack one room at a time. This will help prevent overwhelm and keep you on track.
  4. Label all of your boxes with the contents and the destination room. This will save you time and frustration when it comes time to unpack.
  5. Use paper, bubble wrap, and other protective materials to prevent damage to your belongings.
  6. Buy sturdy boxes and supplies that are designed for moving.
  7. Place heavier items in smaller boxes and lighter items in larger boxes to make them easier to carry.
  8. Pack an essentials box with items you will need immediately after the move such as toiletries, bedding, snacks, etc.
  9. Take pictures of how you have packed electronics and furniture so you can easily put it back together on the other end.
  10. Ask friends or family for help if needed!


Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but proper preparation and packing ahead of time can help to make the process much smoother. We hope this article has given you some insight into how far in advance you should start doing it for your next move.

Start planning today and make sure that everything is ready — from clothes to furniture — before your moving day arrives. Good luck with your big move!