Are CBD Dog Treats Worth Your Money?

The CBD pet market is expanding rapidly and the pet parents couldn’t be happier. However, the benefits and side effects of CBD oil and treats are still largely unregulated, leaving pet owners in the haze from all the second-hand information. Let’s start with the basics. Talk to your vet In case you’re wondering why your …

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How does CBD Affect the Endocannabinoid System of Pets?

Pet owners everywhere have concerns regarding the health of their furry companion. There are a lot of sub-par medical products out there that can cause harm to your dogs and cats; that is why finding the best therapeutic options for them is a no-brainer. When your pets are healthy, it gives you a feeling of …

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Looking into CBD for Cats

If everyone knew how great it was to own a cat, the world would be a better place. Firstly, they are pretty independent in most things. They clean themselves, fend for themselves and sightsee all on their own. We sometimes wonder if they even need us at all. But luckily for us, they do. We …

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Can my pet benefit from CBD Oil?

There is so much exchange between human and veterinary medicine. Lots of pharmaceuticals which are commonly prescribed for people making the transition into the animal kingdom so can CBD oil benefit your pet and if so, which conditions might it help to alleviate? CBD Oil is used by humans for relief from medical conditions such …

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