6 Slot Machine Strategies that Actually Don’t Work

There is no person for whom gambling is not fun. There are only people who like different games. One of the most commonly selected categories is the slot machine. Of course, this is quite expected since it is the easiest game and easily accessible. It also doesn’t require a lot of investment (if you can control yourself), and there is a possibility of getting a jackpot.

Slot machine players do not need any special skills or previous experience with the machine. However, there are people who think that there are still some skills that can contribute to a better game.

This refers to the strategies that some players try to implement. They think that there is a certain system that actually works and with which you can win the jackpot. They certainly don’t know that. However, if you are a fan of slots, you will surely be interested in which strategies do not actually work.

1. Straight 60

Source: bestuscasinos.org

This strategy consists of believing that after a while you will be able to win 60% or on the other hand lose that much. That’s how it got its name. This refers to the total bankroll. For example, you have invested 200 dollars and you will end up with a machine if you drop to 240 or go to 260 dollars. It sounds very simple, but in fact, the players then use the naked pull and dial between the numbers 7 and 14.

However, when you lose too much, there is a withdrawal and you go to the next machine. It is clear to you how much this does not sound calculated and does not make sense. You cannot achieve any victories in this way. The only thing you do all the time is to go through losses and manage to track profits. However, this approach is becoming rarer because online slots are becoming more and more popular, where you cannot apply this. If you are more interested in the online version, visit slots-o-rama.com, and find many different versions.

2. The Play and Run

Source: thebalanceeveryday.com

This strategy is similar to the previous one. It also switches to the next device immediately after the end of the game, but now immediately after one game. This should represent a time of approximately a few minutes. The bankroll consists of 5 sessions. For example, you have 200 dollars and you plan to invest it… You will divide that 200 into 5 sessions or 40 dollars per session.

This way you can really check several machines at once, but that again means nothing.

3. The Squirrel System

Source: bestuscasinos.org

This strategy is a combination of several previous ones. So, first, you will have a limited time on each device (a few minutes), after that you have to determine the allowed loss as well as the naked pull. However, there is a difference between this and other strategies, and it is about bankroll. If you get to duplicate it, you leave half of it as one part.

Either way, this is the wrong approach that can guarantee you nothing more than to save money. That way you can only stop in time during the loss as well as the gain. This is exclusively a strategy that can serve if you start to gain suddenly and become too greedy with money. All other chances of multiplying the winnings are not possible.

4. The Ladder System

Source: en.wikipedia.org

We present you with a different approach to slot machines in the form of a strategic procedure. Based on this and previous strategies, we can conclude that players use this principle to primarily insure themselves against losses. It is obvious that they can’t get anything with these approaches, and everything revolves around playing mostly with safe money.

The Ladder System offers the same thing. Here the player continues to play with big stakes until he gains a lot, and when he loses he reduces the stakes. In addition to what we mentioned earlier, here the player also tries to use the winning streak. It is in vain that you try something like this for a very simple reason … No one can know the beginning of the series and so this whole idea falls into the water. Don’t forget that the advantage is always on the side of the house.

5. The Zig Zag System

Source: gamblingsites.org

Many use this system to find some imaginary patterns in the reels. Our advice is not to waste time looking for this nonsense. We all know that this is exclusively a game of chance and that it has nothing to do with the pre-set system of victory. However, some people are simply persistent in this and they look for shapes in the form of certain symbols. When they find it, it means that the machine will pay them off.

We hope you honestly don’t believe this. Apart from the fact that you will live in delusion this way, you will miss the incredible fun. If someone could devise a winning strategy, this whole game would lose its full meaning. Then this machine would never be what it really is again, and that is an interesting game of chance.

Either way, it won’t happen because the casino just doesn’t work that way. So try to avoid things like this that can only lead to big losses.

6. Loose Slots

Source: youworkforthem.com

Finally, we present loose slots as the last hope of loyal fans of slot machine strategies. The thing is, when people no longer benefit from anything, they simply turn to this solution. So, such a group of people believes that some slots throw out the jackpot easier than others. This way they are constantly looking for devices like this.

They believe that this is a casino game and that there is also a division between them. Due to the division into stronger and weaker casinos, the machines have a greater or lesser value. Thus, an area with a stronger casino can attract a large number of players because it throws out more jackpots. Of course, the truth is completely different.

Stories like this are made up. The only division between slot machines is between machines with a higher payout rate and a lower one. Everything else is pure retelling without any meaning.


Most of the strategies that people love to use don’t work at all because they don’t have any mathematical meaning. However, a lot of people know that and still adhere to some. This is because they often turn into superstitions and thus lose their complete meaning. Keep these wrong strategies in mind, but know that there are many more. So, if you hear another one like this soon, our advice is very clear – don’t believe everything you hear. Read some great advices online and guides which will help you understand slot machines better.