Management of Stage 1 Stage 2 and Stage 3 Kidney Disease

stages of kidney diet

Traditionally, chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages depending upon its severity. This is as per the glomerular filtration rate. Stages 1-3 are considered early stage CKD (chronic kidney disease). The following table gives the definition of CKD based on glomerular filtration rate: CKD STAGE DEFINITION 1 Kidney damage with GFR >=90ml/min/1.73 sqm. 2 …

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Probiotic Supplements To Boost Kidney Functions

PROBIOTICS supliments

What are probiotics Probiotic food is a concept. This was introduced to the world when Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff postulated that consuming yoghurt improved longevity in humans. He cited the example of yoghurt consuming Bulgarian peasants to justify his statement. The WHO defines probiotics as those live microorganisms, which if consumed in adequate proportions, confer …

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Alzheimer’s and Senile Dementia Symptoms and Treatments You Might Over Look

home treatment for Alzheimer's and Senile Dementia

Senile dementia is not a specific disease; it describes a group of symptoms that affect memory, thinking and social skills so seriously that they interfere with the daily performance of the affected person. Dementia indicates problems with at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and impairment of judgment or language, as well as …

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Good and Bad Diet For Stage 3 Kidney Disease

food for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is divided into 5 stages based on the level of kidney function. Tests performed by your doctor determines these stages including a test used to calculate the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), Which measures how well your kidneys are cleaning your body. Kidney disease is a progressive disease, meaning that kidney …

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