Raw Food Diet User Review, Results and Health Risks

Sushi, ceviches, and carpaccios are fashionable and certain natural food currents, such as crudivorism or instinctoterapy, affirm that raw foods are more nutritious and therefore healthier. However, many of them raise the risk of intoxication if certain precautions are not taken. The raw food diet often called rawfoodian “raw” or raw veganism consists of raw …

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Study Finds Microwave Foods Is Dangerous

is microwave safe

There is a high chance that you, like most people, really enjoy eating popcorn while watching movies. This activity is one of the most popular, especially in our society that is such a big fan of going to the moves. Even when we watch movies at home we usually make a stop on or way …

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Is eating Pork healthy? Risk and Benefits of Pork

Risk and Benefits of Pork

Aw, Pork! there has never been a more controversial food than this one, while many called it the other white meat, others believe Pork is extremely damaging to our organism, so, with this level of division between supporters and detractors, the only right conclusion is the one you can make after reading all the pros …

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