Anemia During Pregnancy Signs, Risks and Treatment

Known as a medical condition in which healthy red cells are lacking and therefore there isn’t sufficient oxygen being brought to the tissues in the body. Anemia isn’t something to be taken lightly, especially during pregnancy, because when the tissues aren’t receiving the necessary amount of oxygen then, several body functions and organs won’t work …

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Alcohol Withdrawal Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol addiction is one of the most destructive addictions in the World, it can systematically destroy a person’s life, ruin his/her relationship with family, friends and even work. To make matters worse those who are addicted to alcohol will continue to drink no matter what just as long as they can avoid going through the …

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Haemophilia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Haemophilia is a blood disorder that results in difficulty in clotting of blood and aggravated blood flow. This disease is inherited in families and usually, the female members are the carrier of the disease, while the males just get affected by the disease. Haemophilia is of two types haemophilia A and haemophilia B. Hemophilia A …

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Urinary Problems Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Urinary tract infections are very common in women, they often recur, and can lead to complications such as an extension of the infection, or even irreversible kidney damage. Causes This genital colonization may be due to the alteration of the normal vaginal microflora due to the ingestion of antibiotics, other genital infections, or the use …

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