The rarest and most beautiful flowers you can buy

Flowers are a beautiful gift, they can improve our mood, make our garden colorful and beautiful, and bring a bit of nature into our homes. Having plants around us can really make us feel better and can easily lift our mood. Perhaps we sometimes take them for granted because they’re all around us, but there are always some new, different flowers we can bring into our lives and remind ourselves of their beauty. That’s why, today, we’re going to be talking about some of the rarest and prettiest flowers you can introduce to your garden to make it a bit more exotic, intriguing, and make it stand out from your neighborhood.

These flowers are more than a conversation starter. There is a reason they are rare and it’s because they thrive only in specific conditions. If you want to make them grow in your garden, you’re going to have to take good care of them and provide them with everything they need.

Lady’s slipper

Lady’s slipper

You should make sure to buy this flower only from nurseries and never those that have been collected in the wild.

They look like orchids, they’re colorful, interestingly shaped, and it’s reasonable that many are in love with this flower. describes orchids as plants that are pretty low-maintenance, but unlike them, Lady’s slipper demands a bit more care.

They like moisture, shade, and to not be disturbed. Don’t place them in the area with a lot of traffic if you want them to thrive. While chemical fertilizers can damage the plant, and even lead to its death, humus in the soil is a perfect solution.

Bird of paradise

Bird of paradise

As the name suggests, they are shaped and colored in a way that reminds us of the magnificent birds of paradise. They are bicolored plants indigenous to South Africa and thrive in hot and humid conditions. In the wild, they can reach staggering five feet under the right conditions.
Keep in mind that this plant likes acidic soil and should be grown in full sun or partial shade.

Bat flower

Bat flower

This glorious, black, bat-like tropical flower is also a fan of humidity. Also, it doesn’t stand the cold weather meaning that as soon as it gets a bit cold for you outside, it’s cold for the plant as well and you should take it inside. It is a big plant, reaching up to 3 feet, which tells you that it needs a big pot in order to be able to grow.

Crown imperial

Crown imperial

This is another big plant that can grow up to 3 or 4 feet tall. It’s a spring bulb plant, which means the flowers appear in the early spring. Orange crown imperial has beautiful, orange flowers that can, I’m sorry to say, stink. However, the smell isn’t too strong so you can simply enjoy their beauty without smelling them. The orange, bell-shaped flowers are truly unique and can’t go unnoticed. They prefer full sun and well-drained soil.

Snail Vine

Snail Vine
source: pinterest

You should plant the seeds in a spot that receives a lot of suns and you should see the first flowers after six weeks. The plant can grow to stagger 25 feet if you allow it.

They love hot summers and will greet you with curly, delicate, pink and white flowers that smell beautifully.